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Saturday 5 November 2016

SPM Biology 5 Cell Division (Part 3)

What is Mitosis?


Mitosis is the division of nucleus to produce 2 daugther cells, with same number and same kind of chromosomes as parent cell.

MITOSIS occurs in…

Somatic cell (2n) = all body cell EXCEPT gametes

MITOSIS….What for?

To ensure the new cells are genetically identical to parents.
- For unicellular organisms, mitosis = asexual reproduction
- For multicellular organisms, mitosis = To replace dead & damaged cell
                                                       = Growth & development of org. by producing new cell


Cell Cycle 

Cell cycle is a series of events that take place in a cell. The events involve the growth, replication and division of a cell. The cell will divide and duplicate of its DNA and finally produce 2 daughter cells.

There are 2 major phases:
1. Interphase (G1, S, G2) and
2. Mitotic phase (M phase)

Cell cycle
Cell cycle

Cell Cycle - Interphase

- G1 & G2: Cell grows and differentiates by producing protein & cytoplasmic organelles
- S: Synthesis DNA, forming sister chromatids, joined by centromere

NOTES: During these phases, chromosomes is invisible, thread-like chromosomes= chromatin


Cell Cycle – Mitotic Phase (M Phase) 

There are 2 processes occur in mitotic phase:
  1. Mitosis
  2. Cytokinesis

1. Mitosis
There are 4 phases in mitosis:-
    1. Prophase
    2. Metaphase
    3. Anaphase
    4. Telophase
1. Prophase

mitosis prophase
  • Nuclear membrane disappears.
  • Chromosomes start to develop sister chromatids (Chromosomes condense).
  • Spindle apparatus forms and migrates towards the end of the cell.

2. Metaphase

mitosis metaphase

  • The chromosomes align on the equatorial plane. This is cause by the tension of the pull from both centrosomes.
  • Spindle formation is completed.
  • The equatorial plane is equal distance from both ends.
3. Anaphase

mitosis anaphase

  • The sister chromatids are cleaved (split) and become separate daughter chromosomes (they are separated).
  • The spindle fibers pull the daughter chromosomes towards their respective ends.
4. Telophase

mitosis telophase

  • Corresponding daughter chromosomes attach to opposite ends of the cell.
  • A new membrane forms around the respective daughter chromosomes.
  • The nucleus appears.
NOTES: Mitosis is now complete but not the cell cycle!

This is just a part of the mitotic phase (M phase). I will continue the next process which is Cytokinesis in SPM Biology 5 Cell Division (Part 4). But wait a moment!! Please read through this post in detail, make sure you are fully understood of the phases and processes occured in Cell Cycle before you further proceed.

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