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Thursday 4 February 2021

A whole new blog for preparing study notes for students

Hi everyone. Thank you for supporting me throughout the years. I so sorry that I did not update my blogs for several years due to some major events happened in my life. I will start transfer all the contents to a whole new blog called Student Study Notes.

I hope you will support me continuously and subscribe, follow my new blog Student Study Notes. This will motivate me to create quality contents to benefit every one of us. Thank you!

4th Feb 2021

Wednesday 3 February 2021

STPM Biology Structure of Cell and Organelle (Part 17)



  • Found in plant cells.
  • Animal cells do not contain vacuoles.


  • Varies in shape and sizes
  • Each vacuole in bounded by a membrane called tonoplast.
  • Vacuole is filled with fluid that consist of amino acids, sugars, minerals, waste products and pigments.

Structure of vacuole
Structure of vacuole


  • Provides turgor pressure to support cell.
  • Temporary storage site for amino acids, sugars and waste products.
  • Important role in the growth of plant cells.
  • As protection. Vacuoles of some plants contain toxins which deter animals from eating the plants.