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Do What You Like to Do
Learn What You Like to Learn 

When you tell me "do what you like to do; learn what you like to learn", Yeah! I'm keep on going to practise it to kill time when getting boring in life. Due to limited resources and expertise which I can't found in my area, and also lack of money and having transport problems, I begin my journey in WWW. There are a lot of fun, confusion and thought in the beginning. From time to time, with better search techniques and refining keywords, I found quite a number of websites which have great information and basically everything is in the contents. Now, I can learn the subjects I like anywhere, anytime. The most important thing is, it is FREE! Everyone love FREE. Don't you?

So why I create this blog? I purposely use it to sort and store all my finding (I really hate to always bookmarks here and there and mess up everything; and of course in the end, ignore them). Meanwhile, I can share with everyone in the Earth (Unfortunately, only those have Internet connection) the great great learning sites and tools created by many excellent people, Thus, everybody gains benefits and knowledge, and having fun in the end of the day. I believe that writing my blog can motivate myself to continuously learn the new things in  my life, so thus you. CHEERS!

Note: Hi everyone. Thank you for supporting me throughout the years. I so sorry that I did not update my blogs for several years due to some major events happened in my life. I will start transfer all the contents to a whole new blog called Student Study Notes.

I hope you will support me continuously and subscribe, follow my new blog Student Study Notes. This will motivate me to create quality contents to benefit every one of us. Thank you!

4th Feb 2021

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