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Wednesday 30 September 2015

SPM Biology 10 Transport (Part 2)

SPM Biology 10 Transport - Erythrocyte

1. The circulatory system in human and animals consists of:
  • Blood
  • Blood vessels
  • Heart
2. The medium of transport in human and animal = BLOOD

Composition of human blood
1. Blood = a connective tissue in liquid form.
2. The human blood is made up of:
  • 55% plasma
  • 45% blood cells
3. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood. It is pale yellowish in colour and contains various dissolved substances.
4. There are 3 types of blood cells:
  • Erythrocytes (red blood cell)
  • Leukocytes (white blood cell)
  • Platelets
Blood composition
Blood composition
Erythrocytes (red blood cell)
Erythrocyte (red blood cell)
Erythrocyte (red blood cell)
1. Biconcave disc-shaped.
  • Increases the TSA/V ratio to facilitate the exchange of gases by diffusion across the membrane.
2. Has an elastic membrane.
  • Enables the erythrocyte to change its shape, so that it an squeeze through the narrow blood capillary.
3. Matured erythrocytes does not have nucleus.
  • Enables the erythrocyte to contain more haemoglobin to carry more oxygen.
4. Erythrocytes are produces in the bone marrow.
5. Erythrocytes survive for about 120 days and are then destroyed in the spleen and liver.
6. Each erythrocyte contains haemoglobin, a respiratory pigment containing iron and causes the blood to be red in colour.
7. Haemoglobin is responsible for:
  • transport oxygen (oxyhaemoglobin)
  • transport carbon dioxide (carbaminohaemoglobin)
8. When erythrocytes are destroyed, the by-products are iron and the bile pigment called bilirubin. The accumulation of the bilirubin in the body can cause jaundice, that is yellowing of the eyes and skin. While the iron will be reused to produce new haemoglobin or excreted from the body.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

SPM Biology 10 Transport (Part 1)

SPM Biology 10 Transport

transport system of human
Transport system of human
The Importance of transport system in multicellular organisms
1. All the chemical reaction take place in the cells to ensure the survival of the cells.
2. Hence, every cell in an organism must be able to obtain all the substances it needs (nutrients, oxygen, etc.).
3. Besides, the cell must be able to remove the waster products such as carbon dioxide and urea from the cell.
4. Exchange of gases and substances occur across the plasma membrane of the cells by diffusion.
5. Unicellular organisms (Amoeba sp., etc.) can easily and rapidly obtain the cell requirements and removing the waster products by diffusion, without having any special structure to transport these substance. WHY? Because they:
  • Small in size.
  • Have a large total surface area to volume (TSA/V) ratio.
6. The smaller the size of the object, the larger the TSA/V ratio, the higher the rate of diffusion.
surface to volume ratio
Surface-to-volume ratio
7. Multicellular organisms cannot depend on diffusion alone to gain the cell requirements. WHY? Because they:
  • Large body size.
  • Have a small TSA/V ratio.
  • The amount of cell requirements and metabolic waster products increases.
  • The cells are located further in the body.
8. To overcome these problem, multicellular organisms (human, animals, etc.) need special transport system:
  • to transport the nutrients to all the body cells.
  • to remove the metabolic waster products from the body cells.
9. The transport system in humans and animals = circulatory system.
10. In plants, the transport system is the vascular tissues which consist of xylem tissues and phloem tissues.

Sunday 27 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 13)

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Saturday 26 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 12)

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Friday 25 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 11)

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Thursday 24 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 10)

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Wednesday 23 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 9)

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Sunday 20 September 2015

SPM Biology 3 Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane (Part 3)

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Saturday 19 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 8)

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Friday 18 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 7)

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Thursday 17 September 2015

SPM Biology 3 Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane (Part 2)

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Wednesday 16 September 2015

SPM Biology 3 Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane (Part 1)

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Tuesday 15 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 6)

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Monday 14 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 5)

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Sunday 13 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 4)

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Saturday 12 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 3)

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Tuesday 8 September 2015

SPM Biology 15 Variation (Part 2)

SPM Biology 15 Variation (Part 2)


Mutation is a spontaneous change in genetic composition of a cell. It can occur in somatic cells or gametes. 

Mutation is caused by:
  1. Gene Mutation
  2. Chromosomal Mutation
type of mutation
Types of mutations
Gene Mutation
Gene mutation involves changes to the bases in the DNA of one gene. For example:
  • sickle cell anemia (mutation to gene that causes red blood cells to become sickle-shaped).
  • albinism (mutation to gene that control the production of melanin pigment).
  • haemophilia.
gene mutation
Gene mutation
Chromosomal Mutation
Changes in the structure or the number of chromosomes are called chromosomal mutation. Examples of the alterations in the structure of some parts of the chromosome are duplication, deletion, translocation and inversion. Chromosomal mutation can happen during mitosis and meiosis when chromosomes are condensed and pulled apart. It also occurs during crossing over. 
chromosomal mutation
Chromosomal Mutation

Mutagens are the substances that can also cause the mutation or increase the rate of mutation. For instance:
  • x-ray
  • ultraviolet radiation
  • chemical substances such as nitrous acid, formaldehyde, food preservatives, pesticides, drugs and some components in cigarette smoke.

Monday 7 September 2015

SPM Biology 15 Variation (Part 1)

SPM Biology 15 Variation (Part 1)

Variation means the differences between the individuals of the same species. There are two types of variations, namely continuous variation and discontinuous variation.

In continuous variation, the differences are slight and they grade into each other. They are usually no limit on the value and tends to be quantitative. They are considerable influences of the environment. For instance, height, body weight, and skin colour. The shape of the continuous variation's graph is normal distribution.

In discontinuous variation, the differences are discreet and clear cut. They do not merge into each other. They are controlled by one, two or very few genes and tends to be qualitative. For examples, type of hair, type of earlobes, tongue rolling, fingerprints, and blood group. The shape of discontinuous variation's graph is discreet distribution.

continuous and discontinuous variation
Comparison between Continuous and Discontinuous Variation

What are the factors that cause variation?

1. Environmental Factors
Change the phenotypes of plants resulting in acquired characteristics which cannot be inherited. It also determines the survival of plants. Continuous variation in humans are also the product of environmental influence.
environmental factors variation
Environmental factors

2. Genetic Factors
In prophase I, pairing of homologous chromosome will form chiasma. Chromosomal crossing-over happens in the chiasma and there are exchange of genes between the two chromatids of the homologous chromosome. In metaphase I, chromosomes are aligned randomly and various gametes that contain different pairs of chromosomes are formed. In anaphase II, chromatids are separated and gametes with a variety of combinations of genes are produced.
homologous chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes
Gametes from different parents are fertilised randomly and cause genetic variations. Gametes with diverse combinations of homologous chromosomes are fused together to form a zygote which intern produces greater variety of gene combinations.

The traits of an organism are controlled by a single pair of alleles or by several pairs of alleles. The traits that are controlled by several pairs of alleles are influenced by the environment.These alleles interact with one another and with the environment. For instance, the colour of the skin is affected by genetic factors. The colour of the skin of an individual become darker when exposed to sunlight. So, the change of colour of the skin is affected by the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors on continuous variation.

Variation is important to a species because only the individuals best adapted to their environment ted to survive and transmit their genetic characteristic to the offspring. From time to time, there will be changes in the individual of a particular species, with the better adapted ones increasing in population. This is called the "Survival of the Fittest" or "Natural Selection".


Sunday 6 September 2015

Free Online Korean Language Learning (Part 4)

Learn Korean

learn korean free
Source: Korea Tourism Organization
Learn Korean is a FREE site for learning Korean language provided by the Korea Tourism Organization. Here you can choose between a beginner and intermediate section, also a program called Korean expressions for travelers for not only learning useful Korean conversation but also travelling in Korea. 


beginner learn korean free
Source: Korea Tourism Organization
The Beginner Korean program is provided by KBS World Radio. The topic of understanding the Korean language will introduce the alphabet and basic grammar, and some simple expressions will be taught within the 30 chapters provided.


intermediate korean learn free
Source: Korea Tourism Organization
The intermediate section called Korean Language Adventure have been developed in the theme of travel and adventure, allowing us to take a virtual journey to Seoul and the famous tourist destinations. There are 30 units of the most popular tourist destination which you can selectively choose either one unit to study. However, you need to signup a VisitKorea membership to view all the units.

Saturday 5 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 2)

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Friday 4 September 2015

STPM Biology Biological Molecules (Part 1)

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Thursday 3 September 2015

SPM Biology 2 Cell Structure and Cell Organization

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Wednesday 2 September 2015

Free Online Korean Language Learning (Part 3)

How to Study Korean

free online Korean learn
Source: How to Study Korean

How to Study Korean is a plain and simple website  designed to teach us how to speak Korean language for FREE. There are total of 5 units starting from learning how to read until advanced Korean grammar. This website provides workbooks, and exercises to practise and increase our understanding the Korean language. But, you have to purchase this workbooks to supplement your learning. Anyway, the lessons is all FREE and if you hardworking enough, you can just copy the lessons into your own notes. Each unit contains several lessons and accompanies with audio files, and it is worth to learn by going through all of them. Along the progress, the lessons will include more words to add to our vocabulary. In addition, this website also have a forum for us to discuss or ask question about Korean language among the learners. As summary, this is a good learning site for those prefer simple, clean and easy to learn style.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

SPM Biology 1 Introduction to Biology

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