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4th Feb 2021

Sunday 20 November 2016

STPM Biology Structure of Cell and Organelle (Part 7)

Golgi Bodies / Golgi Apparatus


  • Found mostly in glandular cells, secretory cells (like pancreatic cells) and liver cells.
  • It is also found in plant cells, especially younger cells.
  • It is randomly distributed in cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
    Golgi Bodies
    Golgi Bodies


  • Golgi bodies is a stack of flattened sacs.
  • This organelle is bounded by a membrane.
  • Vesicles (small sacs) are always forming on the outside surface of the Golgi bodies.
  • The content of Golgi bodies include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, lipoprotein, glycoprotein, glycolipid, steroids, enzymes, cholesterol and others.


  • Stores and processes proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
  • Helps in the secretion of cell products.
  • Golgi bodies serve as an intracellular transport. Golgi bodies collects, packages, and distributes synthesized substances from one part of the cell to another.
  • Formation of lysosomes. Hydrolytic enzymes synthesized by ribosomes of RER are transported to Golgi bodies to be packaged into lysosomes.
  • Protect and extend plasma membrane. Secretory vesicles from Golgi bodies fuse with the plasma membrane and extends the membrane.

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