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4th Feb 2021

Monday 21 November 2016

STPM Biology Structure of Cell and Organelle (Part 8)



  • Lysosomes are distributed randomly in cytoplasm of animal cells.
  • Lysosomes occur the most abundant in white blood cells, especially macrophages because these cell actively ingests and breaks down pathogens, dead cells and foreign particles.
  • Lysosomes is not found in plant cells except for certain plants such as Nepenthes, Utricularia and Dionaea.
    Structure of Lysosome
    Structure of Lysosome


  • Shape: Spherial or almost spherical.
  • General size: 200nm – 500nm
  • Lysosome is bounded by a membrane. This membrane is resistant to actions of digestive enzymes in the lysosome.
  • Lysosome contains hydrolytic enzymes and proteins. Among the enzymes present are:
    • RNAase
    • DNAase
    • Lipase
    • Sulphatase
    • Protease
    • Hydrolase
    • Nuclease
    • Phophatase
    • Glucosidase
  • Primary lysosome is a newly formed lysosome. when primary lysosome fuses with vacuoles, secondary lysosomes are formed.


  • Digestion of food in cells.
  • Carries out autophagy, the breaking down of old, worn organelles.
  • Conducts cell autolysis, that is the automatic breakdown of old or worn cells.
  • Involved in shrinking of tadpole’s tail during metamorphosis.
  • Involved in destruction pathogens.
  • Play and important role in insect metamorphosis. Enzymes of lysosomes break down the larvae/nymph tissues during metamorphosis.
    Function of Lysosome
    Function of Lysosome

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