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4th Feb 2021

Saturday 26 November 2016

STPM Biology Structure of Cell and Organelle (Part 12)

Chloroplast of higher plants


  • Generally found in all photosynthesizing cells of higher plants.
  • Abundant in mesophyll cells, especially palisade mesophyll cells.


  • Chloroplast exists in various shapes. The common shape is lense shape.
  • General size: 5μm (width); 8-10μm (length).
  • The fluid matrix of chloroplast is called stroma. The main structure embedded in the stroma are grana (singular = granum) and intergranal lamellae.
  • Granum is a stack of thylakoids. A typical chloroplast contains about 40 to 60 grana.
  • Neighboring grana are linked by intergranal lamellae.
  • Chlorophyll molecules are embedded in thylakoid membranes in groups called photosystems. A photosystem usually consists of about 300 chlorophyll molecules.
  • Also embedded in the thylakoid are ATPase enzymes that catalyze ATP synthesis during photosynthesis.
  • Stroma also contains starch granules (temporary storage only), DNA, lipid globules and ribosome (70S) and enzymes catalyzing dark reactions.
    Structure of Chloroplast
    Structure of Chloroplast


  • Carry out photosynthesis.
  • Temporary storage site for photosynthesis products such as starch.

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